Monday, August 13, 2007

Front Page on Etsy

Look in the top right hand square of the grid and you can see my felt cupcakes on the home page of Etsy. They were part of a felt creations treasury that made the FRONT PAGE over the weekend. Not bad huh? Etsy gets about 60,000 unique visitors a day and there are around 25,000 users, so it's excellent exposure for my craftiness. The front page changes from day to day. Many thanks to Kezzaroo and Charlotte Narunsky who told me the good news!


natural attrill said...

Well done! Hope you have lots more sales!

Karen Jinks said...

it's a small world on blogger isn't it! Just spotted your blog link on natural attrill and I realised I recognised you from etsy! Well done on getting on the front page!

Kezzaroo said...

it was even better being on the front page with you yay!!