I am a digital artist. I'm pretty chuffed that I can say that.
I can pay the rent as a greeting cards illustrator, that's quite something too I'd say, but its not cool. In fact, you'll find me at the other end of the spectrum with the grandmothers and the tacky American giftshop owners who'd think one of my cute and fluffy characters would look nice on a tea-towel or an apron or a badly knitted sweater. Compared to some of the tat I've seen, my creations have a certain quality to 'em though...
I draw innocent little critters... Harmless, fluffy and friendly with sugar on top. I like to call them sunshine vermin. The best thing is children especially like my pictures a lot and I can sell a lot of birthday bunny cards and safe and snugly woodland creatures. Bunnies that like lemonade and ice cream, sunflowers and picnics, exchanging Christmas presents and generally cheering people up. Bah! I wanna puke! I like computer games, preferably with some psychos or zombies in. And I kill my houseplants on purpose.
Trouble is I can't draw dark. I was bought up on Nintendo, so EVERYTHING is cute, even if I try to fight it.
As I battle to deviate from cute, I'll post my attempts up here for scrutiny. Perhaps I should except my fate as the fluffy cute queen. Who knows.